I am a Magnet – Sales Page
Be Magnetic – get Clarity – Attract your Coded Clients
i am a Magnet
a 10 week sisterMind of busiNess expaNsion.
you are a Magnet
This was probably my biggest lesson and gift in my business.
Discovering my magnetism.
My ability to call my clients in with my heart.
Activating my unique frequency of manifestation.
Clients flowed in.
Creativity flowed in.
Cash flowed in.
And the joy of this came through me throwing all the rules out the window and just claiming who I am. Unequivocally. And then showing up. As me. Just me. No-one else.
It’s the most natural you that is the most magnetic you.

I can’t tell you how many emails I have read from how many coaches telling me; just be you … so I understand the frustration of reading this and thinking: I feel this to be be true, but how?
Well, I am going to share the how with you. This program follows a grounded step-by-step pathway, but in a way that honours your freedom and sovereignty. We throw the rule books out and step into unchartered territory.
It’s the WOO with the TO DO.
All focused on magnetising your C.O.D.E.D Clients; the ones you were born to serve.
This 10 week journey includes my tried and tested Client Attraction Activation techniques and processes in a very logical, structured but completely Spirit-Led way.
It’s time to access the full unleashed freedom (think of a dog in a car with his face in the wind feeling pure joy) that comes from being in flow in your business. That’s what is available for you.
This journey is focused on grounding your unique Client Runway in a way that feels good, is so unbelievably freeing and in full integrity with YOU and your soul’s mission here on Earth.
21 ways
to activate & ground your unique
client coded runway!
This is a part coaching; part energetic, part teaching,
part mentoring container.

Client love
“In the AM A MAGNET program I got to deeply understand how to dance between the masculine and feminine energetics of my business. Nicky takes you through such a deep process of allowing you to step into flow and freedom within your business while still taking action in the masculine energy. I loved how she blended both of the concepts together and the way that she does, very few people actually manage to do effectively. I find that you’ll either have coaches that will go too into the masculine or too into the feminine. This for me was the perfect blend of both.
It gives you the kick up the a** that you need to take the inspired action, but then also to deeply sit into the nurturing energy of allowing flow and divine downloads to come to you. Nicky’s attention to detail is incredible and the support and love that she holds you to in the entire program is unmatched.“
Kylie-Anne Nel

Client love
“Nicky’s I AM A MAGNET program has been life changing for me. It’s unlocked my magic and I don’t use that word lightly. As time’s gone on, I’ve realized that I have to bring my magic to the fore but my head always gets in the way. Nicky has incredible genius in terms of allowing you to hear your soul’s voice louder than the voice in your head. She’s allowed me to tap into my own soul’s voice, my own magic in a way that nothing or nobody else has allowed me to do before. In moments where I start to doubt the magic, all I need to do is go back to the tapping-in audio’s in I AM A MAGNET and it brings me back to my soul. I feel it in my body, I feel tingles, I feel my heart opening and I feel the energy around me. Really deep magic has happened for me in so many ways and this magic is bringing me clarity, inspiring ideas, branding that I absolutely love, offers that I just think are so exciting and a deep knowing of who my soul clients are for the first time.”
Elizabeth Gilmour
you get the soul. the strategy.
the surreNder.
What makes this Journey different to the other business energetic programs?
Everything is activating.
The teachings are activating. The Tapping-In’s are activating. The Tasks are activating.
This means that it’s not a workshop or a program. It is a journey of Embodied Expansion. Of Alchemy. And Magick.
the sisterMind
This is more than a MASTERMIND. It’s more connected, more powerful. A sisterhood. A soul pod.
Where the connection is deep.
It includes weekly Co-Creation sessions plus intimate Co-Creation Soul Pods where you will be partnered with 3 other souls for added support, encouragement and momentum.
co creatioN
It’s not just people coming together in a course container. It’s a Co-Creation journey where you receive support, love, care and deep connection with other powerful Leaders, Visionaries and WayShowers. This facilitates your expansion as no-one gets left behind. We weave together. We flow together. We take action together. We expand together.
flow & surreNder
I will be dropping you in to your soul’s intelligence so that your frikken genius flows through you. UNTAPPED…
Imagine creating in your soul biz simply for the joy of creating? I am calling in those of you who are ready to drop the logic (i.e. I am doing x to receive y) and step into the magick of pure love. This experience is for those of you who are ready to dance in the unknown in full trust and surrender.
How does it work?
This 10 week Journey activates your natural magnetism and holds the intention for you to create time-bending magick in your biz my friend. Bottom line, you are coming into this journey surrendered.
i drop you in…
Into your spirit.
Into source.
Into your soul stream.
Into the peace.
And then, you flow, you create, you share.
It’s that simple!
three caveats
You have to be ready to lead from Soul in your business, to trust and surrender.
You have to believe in the power of Energy / Spirit / Magick
You have to commit to 2 modules a week (1-2 hours in total) plus attend our weekly Co-Creation sessions.
This IS for you if…
hi there
I’m Nicky
We break out of the old paradigm, with the rules, blueprints and latest trends and courageously trailblaze into uncharted territory. Master your energy and you master the next level in your business. This is how I more than tripled my income in 2022.
The truth is your next level in your business is already here; we just open up space for you to energetically hold it. Your clients are already here, we just need to activate the connection.
It’s not about adding a new strategy; it’s not about changing your copy; it’s not about shifting your ad campaigns or adjusting your brand. It’s simply tapping into your own magic, your own genius, your own energy and creating a magnetic field of soul-aligned attraction around you so that without changing anything tangible; your soul-sent, ready to invest, ready to transform clients find you and want to work with you.
If this is what you crave, join us in the 10 week I AM A MAGNET CO-CREATION SISTERMIND.
Client love
Mary-Ann Illing
Client love
Elizabeth Gilmour
Client love
Kylie-Anne Nel
Client love
Monica Heiz
your investmeNt
(If you have a coupon you can apply it on the payment page)
$327 PM X 3
$327 usd
Pay In Full – Once off payment
$887 usd
the deets
- WEEK 1:
Module 1 – Commitment
Module 2 – Release - WEEK 2:
Module 3 – Reclamation
Module 4 – Be The Channel - WEEK 3:
Module 5 – Meet your Coded Clients
Module 6 – Meet your Business - WEEK 4:
Module 7 – Creative Offer Ideation
Module 8 – Coded Client Grounding - WEEK 5:
Module 9 – Offer Emergence
Module 10 – Lightness of Offer & Message - WEEK 6:
Module 11 – Preparing the Client Runway
Module 12 – Multiple Streams of Money

- WEEK 7:
Module 13 – Client Relationship Dynamics
Module 14 – Pricing - WEEK 8:
Module 15 – Consistent & Sustainable Client Stream
Module 16 – Authentic Expression - WEEK 9:
Module 17 – Client Gifts on Client Journey
Module 18 – Your Gifts on Client Journey - WEEK 10:
Module 19 – Boundaries & Expansion
Module 20 – Flow with your Soul’s Mission
Module 21 – Trust & Surrender
CO CREATION SESSIONS – (Only required to attend ONE session a week)
Two options available to suit multiple time zones
Every Tuesday
6pm SAST / 6pm CET / 9am PST / 12pm EST / 2am AEST
Every Wednesday
11am SAST /11am CET / 2am PST / 5am EST / 7pm AEST
Client love
Kerry Cleopatra
Client love
Estelle Coombe-Heath
your questions answered
Client love
your investmeNt
(If you have a coupon you can apply it on the payment page)
$327 PM X 3
$327 usd
Pay In Full – Once off payment
$887 usd
Client love
“Nicky showed me a way that I can be me and magnetize my clients to me, magnetize my soul business to me. Not project it, but to magnetize it. I have done so much regular business training and I’ve done all the courses that you might want to think about for niche marketing and funnels. I was over it. But through I AM A MAGNET, I now understand so much more about the writing of my own story.”
Linda Simpson

Client love
“The content in I AM A MAGNET is very detailed and extremely precise. There was a level of understanding it, listening to it, hearing it, applying it; and then turning that knowledge into one’s own sense of wisdom. I had new program ideas downloaded very effortlessly. I had a great, detailed connection to my business; connection from my soul, something that doesn’t have to be pushed and efforted. It’s a sense of understanding from a soul place, how my business is designed to operate. And when I was able to understand that and see that, I could take new actions and put new systems and processes in place that make more sense and are more aligned. There is just this wisdom that Nicky is able to share with others that amplifies and magnifies who I am, who I’m being, and that then ripples out into the world.”
Monica Heiz
Client love
“I am a magnet and I’ve had the beautiful opportunity to practice that; to really embody that and that’s through Nicky’s I AM A MAGNET. This is something I’ve been living and breathing a long time but there were still areas where I was feeling stuck and I needed a mentor and a guide and boom Nicky popped up in my feed.
I AM A MAGNET will help you strengthen listening in, tapping in and activating the elements of you. Nicky attracts a lot of really experienced energy people. Working with her allows you to deepen your practice, it allows you to really immerse in the world of understanding your magnetics and your energy. I absolutely have loved my experience with Nicky. I can honestly say I am dedication now. It’s not something I have to try hard for and I AM A MAGNET was the facilitation and it was the beautiful space. I felt nothing but honored, respected and loved throughout my transformation. I 100% stand by Nicky’s integrity, her honor and her grace to hold space.”
Kerry Cleopatra

your guide Nicky
I am an energy healer, soul guide, business coach and founder of the Embodied Expansion Methodology.
I love people, technology, online businesses and I love working with energy. I have supported a multitude of clients over the years in getting clear on the NEXT LEVEL in their business; one that is in complete alignment with their soul purpose.
In a nutshell, I help my clients tap into their soul’s intelligence or what I call your soul stream. This is where all healing, all clarity, all expansion and yes, all your soul sent clients live. Using energy we release any blocks, help you truly embody your full power so that your business expands with ease.
The work that I do is divinely inspired, beautifully gentle but also powerfully effective. I take spiritual entrepreneurs like you out of your head and into surrendered alignment so that you can stop talking about how you wish to smash the glass ceiling in your business and actually BE the change; BE the trailblazer, BE the next level; with wild grace and ease.
Copyright Nicky Hartel 2023 | Terms & Conditions